Monday 10 May 2021

Survival Reflections Group Task

Survival reflections:

Things we would need on the island:

Clean water, Clothes, Wood, Fesh food, Lighters and Matches, Pot, Fishing rod, Pillow, and mattresses.

The reasons I should be a leader:

The first thing was everyone in my group was positive about me becoming the lead.

I am smart, I would lead us in the right direction and I have bronze and brains.

Verbal Reflection

What problems did you face? Communication but Fiugared it out Finished it.

How did you solve problems?

Who made the decisions? and don’t do his signed assessments Mostly me. My team was lacking a lot.

Why/why not? I was determined to have a good report in SOS

Why did we complete the task? Again I was determined to have a good report in SOS

What are the similarities and differences between pretending to be a survivor on an island and reality? I am usually confident in everything. My leadership and loyalty is second to none

Group review:

Reign: He was on task but at times he got distracted. If we were on an Island I predict that Reign would be second to die.

Reece: He was severely lacking and not doing the task he was assigned to do. I predict Reece would be the first to die on the Island.

Sale: Would be live his full life on the Island

Our discussions: We all argued on the decisions on The leader and the tasks given. But we did have a heated discussion with Reece as he was lacking in every task he was doing.

Was their one leader who made decisions?

Me completely, I was the leader in the things we would need and the Jobs assignments. I will say I was really angry that day and may have put them down a bit.